Life's Journey Leaving with Alphabet 26 > Motice

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Life's Journey Leaving with Alphabet 26


Life Journey 

1st Phase : Step A(As Is) on the way to dream 

(1) A: Audacious Aspiration

(2) B: Big Brave

(3) C: Challenging Champion 

(4) D: Delighted Dream

(5) E: Excited Enthusiasm

2nd Phase :  Step F  with frustration and tribulation

(6) F: Falling into a deep pit of despair (pain/agony/suffering/hardship) due to frustration & failure, financing & fund matters

3rd Phase : Step G:Ground laying a new foundation from life's matters 

(7) G: (New) Ground in God  

(8) H: Health Care Ground  

(9) I: Inspiration 

(10) J : Joy 

(11) K: Knowledge

4th Phase : Step L: Leap Jump 

(12) L: Leverage Jump (The process of bearing 2-3 folds of fruit) 

(13) M: Manuring Manpower 

(14) N:  Nurturing Networking 

(15) O : Outrunning Organization 

(16) P : Proceeding Project

5th Phase : Step Q: Quantum Jump

(17) Q: Quantum Jump (The process of bearing 30, 60, and 100 fold fruit) 

(18) R: Remarkable Revolution  

(19) S: Superb with Soul

(20) T:Time Tyrant 

(21) U: Universal Union 

6th Phase : Step V: Victory

(22) V: Very Victory (The process of enjoying true victory) 

(23) W: Way Maker 

(24) X: Miracle Worker 

(25) Y: Yes! Promise 

7th Phase :  Step Z: Zion 

(26) Z: The ultimate goal and purpose in life

***** WW (Wonderful / Wonder World) 2025 WOW Plan !!!  *****

  * Goal is in Contribution to Global Happiness

  * Measures: GENIE (Global New Deal), GPS (Global Shared Growth), EIPP

  * Support: Nexia Global Network, etc.

  * Territories: 153 Countries 

    2021: 7 countries // 2022: 15 countries // 2023:27 countries

    2024: 53 countries // 2025: 153 countries // 

  * Others: Convergence of consulting and capital


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