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Center of Excellence

About Center of Excellence

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작성자 관리자 작성일20-07-18 13:47 조회2,358회 댓글0건


* The Center of Excellence refers to an expert organization (group) that aims for the highest quality, which creates new capabilities within the organization and re-spreads positive influences in society through knowledge sharing.

* The best fields that Global Infrastructure Investment Finance (GIIB) is aiming for are as follows:
(1) Investment finance for fund management in the global infrastructure sector
(2) providing insight as an expert in fields related to financial and economic analysis related to financing
(3) Realizing a global partnership program (GPS) through collaboration with a multilateral development bank (MDB) beyond the Country Partnership Strategy(CPS) with developing 153 countries  as investment targets
(4) Ultimately, the global vision and aspiration to realize a new hope for a third world country with unlimited economic development potential through infrastructure development finance and investment. It is also to achieve  this global vision and aspirations through the best expert group (Center of Excellence).


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